-Receives the product in perfect condition but doesn't like it, you don't want it, etc. Our customers have a trial period of 7 days from the date of receipt of the order in which may return the product. For a return to be accepted, the product must be as surrendered him: product without stripes, marks or any malfunction, original, protective packaging, papers, warranties, accessories (Please save the packaging.) That is, perfectly valid for sale (as to you you would like to receive it). Postage for the return are for your account. He is the amount you paid for the item (not the original shipping ports).

-If you want to change a product on the other hand, must be paid him the difference if it is lesser amount or be charged him if it is higher. The return transport costs are payable by the customer.If it's a warranty, new shipping transport costs are borne by Areabike. If it's a change of size, colour, measure, model, etc costs are €6,95 per customer account. Communicate to our customer by mail the exact amount to pay / receive.